Robert Pell with some of his herd at Mystical Murray Greys.
The Robert, Marilyn and Mark Pell say their journey with the Murray Grey breed began 24 years ago.
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“In the early years, we focused on the vealer market, buying and selling dairy beef cross weaners,” Marilyn said.
“We had built up a handy herd of Hereford/Murray Grey cross cows as we used to borrow a Murray Grey bull over the Hereford cows.”
In February 2000, they needed a Murray Grey bull with new bloodlines not related to their cows. They found a purebred bull, called Rockyleigh Victory, near Bendigo, at Joan Heard and Muriel Morrish’s Rockyleigh Murray Grey Stud.
“We came away with the bull and two cows with calves, as the ladies were trying to downsize,” Marilyn said.
“Joan just loved her cattle, and she encouraged us to sell all our crossbred cattle and breed purebred Murray Greys; we kept the bull and two cows from Joan registered.”
One cow was called Rockyleigh Haymay, she had a bull calf and he was called Rockyleigh Hayfever; the other cow was called Rockyleigh SkyLark, and her calf was Rockyleigh Saturn.
Some of the young stock at Mystical Murray Greys.
In 2005, Murray Greys were the feature breed at the Royal Melbourne Show, as it was the centenary of the breed.
Robert had offered to assist an older man they had met after joining the Bendigo-based Victorian Midlands MG Breed Promotion Group. He was Allan Pate of Mt View Murray Greys at Timmering, near Rochester.
“Allan said to Robert, ‘if you’re coming to Melbourne to help me then you’re going to bring an animal and learn how to show the cattle as well’.
“The only heifer we had available was Rockyleigh Saturn and in her class of 14 she didn’t come last. A few weeks later we took Saturn to the Bendigo Feature Show, where she won her class and then won the Beef Interbreed.”
At the 2008 Murray Grey National Show and Sale, the Pells purchased a cow called Cullenya Quale, who had a bull calf at foot called Cullenya Digby DBS D11.
“Robert nurtured this calf and started showing him around all the local shows from the age of 16 months old,” Marilyn said.
“He attended Bendigo National Beef, Benalla, Wangaratta, Tatura, Dookie, Echuca, Rochester and Whittlesea agricultural shows to mention a few.
“It was at Benalla the bull won the Junior Interbreed at 17 months in a class of 14 bulls in the 2009 Beef Classic.”
In March 2023, the Pells purchased Monterey Supreme GJB S11, from the renowned Monterey stud in Karridale, Western Australia, the largest in the country.
“The bull we purchased is equal fourth for EMA and third for IMF in that year’s drop.
“He joins our stud with other Monterey females in the Magnolia, Miss Annabelle, Showgirl family lines. The Mt View family lines we like are Balcara, Carrie, Cristy, Jacinta and Wallflower having bloodlines to Elbern-Roburn Murray Grey stud in Tasmania.”
The herd’s genetics are mainly sourced from Monterey, Mt View, Saber, Cratloe and Woodbourn, and the family uses artificial insemination to introduce new bloodlines.
In 2013, at the Bendigo National Beef, the Pells entered two steers in the carcass competition; one came third and the other won first place in the unled light export 300--330kg on the hook.
“Attending the local shows each year, competing in the show ring, became our passion for many years, having a swag of ribbons and trophies, meeting and making many friends,” Marilyn said.
“Recently we entered the 2024 Melbourne Royal with a steer and came fourth on the hoof.”
Having joined the Midlands breed promotion group, the Pells attend the Elmore Field Days in October each year and participate in Beef Week every January/February.
“We found the stud Beef Week a good way to promote our cattle,” Marilyn said.
“Through this event we have sold bulls and now have return breeders coming back, to replace their older bulls. All bulls are guaranteed, sold structurally sound and semen-tested by Ovasem Genetics.
“We are J -Bas 7 tested, pestivirus free, MLA and registered with the Greenhams Never Ever program. Calves are vaccinated with 7in1, we use pour-on drenches, and Incarcerate for flies.”
The herd is registered with both the Murray Grey breeders Australia Association (MGABA) as well as the Murray Greys Australia Association (MGAA).
“We register animals on request, as the commercial breeder isn’t interested in a piece of paper, they just want to know real figures and weights. Show cattle must be registered cattle, the reason we do both,” Marilyn said.
Mystical Murray Greys will hold its Beef Week open day on Friday, January 31. The Pells will have both unjoined and joined heifers on display, as well as their young bulls.
Mystical Murray Greys is at 1345 Toolamba-Rushworth Rd, Tatura. For more informaion, call 0408 530 690 or go to: