Bulls on show at Mistletoe Limousins at Greta South.
Mistletoe Limousins has progressed to a predominantly polled herd, sourcing the best genetics from Australia and around the world, since it was was established in 1993.
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The use of homozygous polled sires has embedded the polled gene in the herd while keeping the desired Limousin traits of ease of calving, fertility, growth, muscle with fat cover (rib, P8 and IMF) and docility.
All animals are Breedplan recorded and part of the Limousin Assurance Program.
“Our females calve easily, and their progeny have very good growth,” Denis O’Connor said.
“They are quiet and have the amount of fat cover that the market is looking for while still retaining their high yield especially of the more expensive cuts.
“The female portion of the calves are recognised for their yield and are rarely discounted when compared to the male portion of the calves thus making similar money to the steers.”
Denis said they take heifers and bulls to the Limousin National Show and Sale.
“Winning the Supreme Exhibit at the National Show and Sale in 2023 and following up in 2024 with Junior Champion Female and Reserve Champion Female has been rewarding, but that all five animals sold to other studs to advance the genetics of their breeding herds vindicates our breeding program,” he said.
“Our aim is to provide bulls with quality genetics for our commercial breeders.”
Mistletoe Limousins will be open for Beef Week on Tuesday, February 4.
“This year there will be 18-month-old and two-year-old bulls for sale (semen-tested), 12-month-old bulls to view, females including siblings of the bulls and our show team for the 2025 Limousin National Show and Sale on display,” Denis said.
“You won’t just see bulls but also the females that the bulls were bred from.
“Join us to have a chat and just see how far Limousin cattle have progressed. A bull with Mistletoe genetics will improve your bottom line.”
Mistletoe Limousins is at 120 Dinnings Lane, Greta West. For more information, call 0428 279 431.