The annual Rotary Club of Yarrawonga Mulwala Changeover took place recently with Ron Kennett handing over the presidential reins to Belinda Pendergast.
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The Changeover dinner occurred on Monday, July 1, where Ms Pendergast's new board was also installed.
Mr Kennett gave his last presidential speech where he thanked the members for their support, participation and contribution, especially the board members while welcoming Ms Pendergast to the presidential role.
“It has been an honour and a privilege to serve as President of this club throughout the year. I thank all members who have supported me through the challenges a Rotary year can bring,” Mr Kennett said.
“One of the most important fundraisers for the club continues to be the monthly community market.
“I would like to especially recognize Gary Tribe (pavilion) and Ian Barton (site bookings) for the time and effort they put into the preparation prior to the market, but also to all members who make this event a priority with volunteer support as the number of stallholders has also gradually started to grow again.
“Once again this year we have had the services of the Inner Wheel ladies to cater for three of our meetings at the pavilion. We also owe thanks to the Inner Wheel for looking after the carpark gate at the monthly markets.
“This year saw a greater focus on social media as a means of promoting our events and the club in general. Thanks must go to John Taylor before his move to Bairnsdale and Belinda for picking up the reins.
“We also enlisted the services of Vicky Long to develop some our Facebook and Instagram posts. This use of social media is an essential avenue for promoting our club and attracting membership into the future.
“Our annual District Governor visit took the form of a tri-club get together with the Rotary clubs of Corowa and Rutherglen. Held in Corowa this proved to be a great chance to meet with our DG – Neta Kirby and mingle with the other club members.
“Thanks must also go to our Assistant Governor in Paul Miegel. Paul was a regular visitor to our club meetings providing valuable updates on both District 9790 and Rotary International news.
“Our meetings consisted of a balance between Burkes Hotel and our Rotary home at the pavilion.
“This allowed a blend of having guest speakers in a bigger and more formal venue while attending to club business in a more relaxed setting of the Rotary pavilion.
“The trial of eight, 3-4 member catering teams proved successful with some very creative meals dished up with a hint of competiveness evident.
“I extend a sincere thanks to the board of 2023 – 2024. In particular I thank Belinda who has taken all before her as President Elect and especially her work in the area of Youth and Youth Exchange.
“Bernie as our Secretary has continued to be an invaluable source of information on Rotary with his networking at both District and R.I levels.
“Robin with the assistance of Joe has kept the books in order, returning a pleasing net result for the year.
“To the Service Directors in: Jenni Murch – Membership. Cate Febey – International / Bernie – Foundation / Jan Gill and Noel Tinney sharing Community – I thank you.
“Our Sergeant at Arms – Dave Barratt – has been an incredible support to me in the preparation of meeting venues and of course his very sought after Bunning’s vouchers. To Stuart Nixon – our Bulletin Editor – a job well done.
“To all our members, I thank each and everyone of you for the support and Rotary spirit that you have shown which has been reflected in the fantastic attendance at our Rotary meetings.
“As we look back, I believe we can be proud of our achievements this year in giving back and supporting our community.
“To my wife Julie, I thank you for enduring the life of a Rotary President.
“Finally I would like to wish Belinda and her new Board all the very best in the year ahead.”
Ms Pendergast then gave her first speech as President and thanked Mr Kennett for his work as well as introducing her new board.
“Thank you to Ron for all of your hard work and leadership of our club for the past 12 months,” Ms Pendergast started.
“You have created a club with a positive culture where Rotarians have enjoyed regular meetings with interesting and enjoyable guest speakers.
“Thank you for assisting me in my transition to step into your shoes.
“Each year the incoming Rotary International President announces a world wide Rotary theme.
“This year Rotary International President-elect Stephanie Urchick announced that the 2024-25 presidential theme is The Magic of Rotary and called on members to recognize and amplify the organization’s power to save lives.
“Urchick told incoming district governors at the Rotary International Assembly on January 8 “It’s up to you. You create the magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member”.
“This year our club will continue to show the magic of Rotary in our local community through various projects. We will continue to provide support our School Support Program at both primary schools and continue to provide both colleges with monetary support towards their end of year awards ceremonies.
“We will also welcome to our community Aron Jurak who will arrive on July 23 from Denmark.
“I am looking forward to being Aron’s first host family and having the honour to introduce him to our wonderful club and community.
“I am excited to host a community project night this year to welcome local community members to offer project ideas our club could take on.
“By involving the community into offering projects ideas, we will be able to expand the reach of our club and show more community members what magic of what Rotary does in our town.
“I now have much pleasure in introducing our new board for the 2024/2025 year.
“President Elect – Dave Barratt. Youth Services Director - Cate Febey. Secretary - Bernie Bott. Treasurer - Robin Harwood.
Foundations and International Services Director - Ross Lloyd. Membership Director - Ian Wells.
“Alongside the board, we also have the following members assisting in the following roles:
Gary Tribe - Market Director. Community Projects - Jan Gill. Bulletin creator - Stuart Nixon. Public Relations Director - Vicky Long.”
Yarrawonga Chronicle