While restrictions are lifting in these areas, CFA still expects the grassfire risk to remain across the state so Victorians need to remain alert and prepared.
CFA District 22 Assistant Chief Fire Officer Rohan Taylor said with weather conditions changing they’re able to lift restrictions to assist people in the agricultural sector with preparations for cropping and farming.
“It’s also an opportunity for people to start cleaning up around their properties. The fuels are still very dry, so we’re urging everyone to stay safe, whether you’re living in or travelling to high bushfire risk areas,” he said.
“Please monitor the conditions on hot, dry and windy days, as we may still see some days of elevated fire risk.”
The end of the Fire Danger Period (FDP) will be an opportunity for some landowners to burn-off again, however it’s important that residents check that local conditions are safe before undertaking these activities.
“You must register your burn-offs, check weather conditions and follow local council laws and regulations,” ACFO Taylor said.
“Registering your burn-off ensures that if smoke or fire is reported, the incident is cross-checked with our register, which prevents firefighters from unnecessarily responding.”
“When conducting burn-offs, remain alert and always have resources on hand to extinguish the fire.”
Landowners can register their burn-off online at www.firepermits.vic.gov.au or call 1800 668 511.
If possible, landowners should also notify their neighbours and others nearby who may be sensitive to smoke so they can take necessary precautions.