Bishop Donald Kirk and Rev'd Jeni Bedding at the formal part of the plaque unveiling and blessing at the 160th anniversary of St Andrew’s By The Lake Church on October 8, 2023.
St Andrew’s By The Lake Priest, Reverend Jeni Bedding will conduct her last service on Australia Day, January 26 at 9.00am.
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She started in Mulwala on October 23, 2022, as Priest in Charge of Mulwala, Berrigan with Oaklands.
The floods made travelling to Berrigan and Oaklands extremely challenging but also rewarding being able to offer communion during those uncertain times.
“I have very much enjoyed my time living at the rectory with my husband Saul who has been working for Federation Council at Corowa Saleyards and cleaning amenities at Corowa, Howlong and Mulwala,” Rev’d Jeni said.
“Saul and I are moving on to Coolamon Ganmain which I am familiar with, and we will be closer to family.
“I look forward to seeing which direction God will take us in this new ministry, and the joys and challenges that will ensue.
“We will both miss the people we have met and formed connections with. We have been made to feel very welcome, part of the community, and will be sad to walk away.”
As part of her ministry Rev’d Jeni joined community groups: Mainly Music, Yarrawonga Mulwala Ecumenical Choir (Lakeside Voices), Mulwala Community Garden; took part in Lions Club Khub barbecues, Blessing of the Yachts and Yarrawonga Yacht Club.
Rev’d Marco Killingsworth conducted his last service on Saturday night.
“I have been blessed with making connections with our tireless OpShop volunteers and with family through funerals, memorials, baptisms, weddings and home visits, which have become much more, and which I will cherish,” she said.
“The highlights of my time here though would be when we met ecumenically as Yarrawonga Mulwala Church Committee.
“The seven churches of Yarrawonga Mulwala have an exceptional relationship where we support and promote each other's ministries and especially when we gather as one church together: Epiphany; World Day of Prayer; Palm Sunday procession; Easter; Pentecost Walk; Lessons and Carols.
“I would like to encourage everyone to take part in these activities in the future. United we stand, divided we fall!”
Rev’d Marco Killingsworth, the Catholic priest of Mulwala, Barooga and Berrigan parishes since February 2023, conducted his Final Mass in Mulwala last Saturday night, January 11.
“I am sad to go but will be moving soon to the Cathedral Parish in Wagga Wagga as assistant priest there at the Bishop's request,” Rev’d Killingsworth said.
He came to St Brigids after being an assistant priest at St Patrick's Church, Albury.
“The first impression I felt when I arrived here was the holiday atmosphere of the area,” Rev’d Killingsworth said.
“The highlights for me have been around the sharing of my deep faith with those who have been interested.
“I pass my priestly blessing on to all the people of this region and pray they all use the time God gives them in this life to prepare for the eternal life of Heaven.”
Last year Rev'd Roberta Hamilton was welcomed to St Cuthbert’s and Fr JunJun to Sacred Heart Yarrawonga.
This year Rev'd Gemma Le Mesurier will be welcomed to St Andrews by the Lake and Fr Cyprian Onuorah to St Brigids.
“The dynamics change, but God's work continues,” Rev’d Jeni said.