Skipping a beat: Rochester Primary School student Natasha Graham skips as part of Jump Rope for Heart.
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Students skip for hearts to beat
December 3, 2013
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Three hundred feet jumped, skipped and danced for Jump Rope for Heart at Rochester Primary School on Wednesday.
To the beat of popular music, skipping routines designed by the older students became the centre of attention in the playground for the benefit of staff and other students at the school.
Staff member Jenni Wright said grade six students had attended a workshop some six weeks ago to learn how to develop routines and also how to teach these to others.
Each pair of students then worked on a presentation for Jump Rope for Heart with a small group made up of children from grades three to five.
Mrs Wright said the main purpose of the day was to have children skip for their own good health.
Some students had also obtained sponsors to raise money for the Heart Foundation.
Ageless entertainment
December 1998
More than 40 talented local children and adults will dress up and take to the CVCC stage on Saturday week, December 4, for the Anton Lee Theatrical Dance Company concert.
On stage: Members of the Anton Lee Theatrical Dance Company put on a show.
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Bright colourful costumes and snappy dance routines will keep the audience entertained.
The concert features many of the different dance forms taught at the school, which has operated since 1995, including tap, jazz and classical ballet.
This year’s concert provides new and exciting challenges to the students, including the character ballet Alice in Wonderland.
Music has been selected to please all age groups with pieces from Al Jolson to Abba and Janet Jackson.
Dance school principal Miss Vicki said she was thrilled with the dedication of Rochester students.
“I believe they will delight their audience yet again,” she said.
Tickets, including family tickets covering two adults and two children, are available from Herb’s Hairdressing or at the door on the night.
Appointment in London
December 1973
Important engagement: Rochester’s Terry Boyd was flying to London to marry Rosalind Heberlet in 1973.
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Well known Rochester Primary School teacher and Rochester Lawn Tennis club president Terry Boyd will fly to London immediately after school finishes next month on an important assignment.
He has an engagement in London on January 6, when he will marry Rosalind Heberlet, of that city.
Following their marriage, Terry and Rosalind will return to Rochester, where Terry will resume his teaching profession.