50 Years ago.
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February 1974.
Apex a young man’s club
Addressing a large number of young men at the Shamrock Hotel, Rochester, Apexian Geoff Johnston said membership of Apex belonged to young men. It was a young men’s club.
Apexian Johnston who travelled from Wangaratta for the evening, is the Zone president of Apex.
The Apex Club of Rochester had invited some 30 district young men to its regular dinner meeting with a view to recruiting their guests as members.
Also present was the deputy district governor, Apexian Bill Deeley from Deniliquin. All guests were welcomed by the president of the Apex Club of Rochester, Apexian Brian Murphy.
Restrictions on fires lifted
After almost a fire-free summer period, fire restrictions have been lifted in the Rochester Shire, as from last Wednesday.
The continual heavy rains through the spring and summer months in northern areas kept the abundant grass green, with the result there were very few days of total fire ban. The Rochester Rural Fire Brigade had a few minor calls.
A word of warning to all landholders, if burning off, take all precautions, and select a day suitable for the task.
No milk so children to have water
Children attending the Rochester Pre-School this term will be given water to drink at their morning and afternoon breaks.
The reason for the water is because the Federal Government has stopped the supply of free milk.
The first meeting of the Pre-School Centre for 1974 was told that the annual meeting would be held on March 13, and arrangements were being made for a guest speaker.
The first fundraising effort for the committee this year will be a street stall. Donations of used clothing articles, produce and cakes would be welcomed.
Pony club
On February 16th the Rochester Pony Club held its first rally for 1974. There was a good attendance with a few new faces among the gathering.
A welcome was extended to Mesdames Weeks and Downing, who will be instructing at club rallies.
A welcome was also extended to intending members, Donna Grieves (riding Timmy), Gail Harrison (Rogue) and Bernadette Bloomfield (Socks).
Among the new ponies were Prince (Stewart Murray) Flash (Jody Makepeace), Stormy (Judy Clee) whilst Lauren Brown is riding a nice little skewball as her own mare, Miranda, has a foal.
25 Years ago
February 1999.
Bike stolen
For two days last week Tim Tyler enjoyed his brand new BMX chrome stunt bike, bought on Wednesday with money he had earned by getting up at 5.30am each weekday and stacking fridges at Major’s Supermarket before school.
Tim, 17, has worked his early morning shift for 14 months, always leaving his old bike at the back of the supermarket beside the bundles of cardboard put out for the recyclers.
He dreamed of how long it would take him to save for a new bike, one he could ride with his mates along the river tracks, doing jumps, having fun.
“That’s when I noticed my bike was gone,” he said. “My helmet was there, but no bike.”
Nurses take up liaison challenge
Rochester nurse Moira Lewis has joined Coliban Water’s customer liaison group as the area representative providing public input into the water authority’s operations.
Mrs Lewis said she accepted the challenge of the two year voluntary position so “someone is in there waving a flag”.
“Everybody complains about the water quality every winter so it’s better to have someone take the matter up and represent the area,” she said.
“Mrs Lewis joins other new members Elizabeth Eager, a former water research microbiologist from Castlemaine, David Trewarne, a retired electricity meter reader from Eaglehawk, and Lawrence Thomas, a retired councillor and JP from Bendigo.
Fireworks cap off a show
A spectacular fireworks display capped off a action-filled night at the Rochester Show on Friday night.
People packed through the gates in the early evening with the Bendigo Holden Car Club display attracting plenty of attention, alongside the record number of entries in the competition.
Over 50 cars of all makes and models and descriptions entered the various categories of the Beaut Ute and Car Competition, including a wide variety of feral vehicles from across the district.
Four in a row
Waranga House made it four years in a row when it took out the winner’s trophy at the Rochester Secondary College swimming sports last week.
Final points saw Waranga on 401, followed by Restdown (364), Campaspe (272) and Burnewang (215).
10 Years ago.
February 2014.
Book will share business savvy
The closure of Alcoa’s aluminium smelter near Geelong and the decline of the Australian car manufacturing industry came as no surprise to retired Rochester businessman Geoff Gaskell.
Mr Gaskell observed many changes and predicted the demise of factories throughout his career as an accountant and manager with Dunlop.
When he retired, he armed himself with a diploma of professional writing and editing and last year began researching for his book Where Have All the Factories Gone?
Lesson in community wellbeing
Visitors to the Great Northern Show were given a chance to have their say on what the Rochester community needed for its optimum health and wellbeing.
La Trobe School of Rural Health is working on a project to identify the health needs in the community. The team prioritised the main areas community members addressed: building on community mindedness; supporting youth and young families; maintaining older people’s quality of life and community approaches to dealing with people’s stress and distress.
La Trobe University School of Rural Health project coordinator Kay Knight said she found it interesting comparing the community’s concerns and solutions to REDHS and the general statistics.
Farmers send fodder to fire-ravaged areas
Lockington and district residents have been out in force, helping Kilmore and Wallan residents recover from recent fires.
Lockington Lions volunteer Giles Cary has been busy collecting fodder from farmers in the area and transporting truckloads to a VFF distribution centre in Lancefield.
He said the bulk of the hay came from two farmers in Kotta and another in Prairie.
Drought breaks.
Rochester women’s bowls Division 2 winners returned from Deniliquin beaming. The last time Division 2 won a premiership was in 1971.
Player Marg Harley said she shook when she took the last two bowls because by then it was clear the team had won.
When she took the last bowl she rushed to hug her teammate Rae Ault. ‘‘I’m just so delighted. I never won a lot at sport,’’ she said.