Inner Wheel Club of Yarrawonga Mulwala members including Two for Ten walk co-organiser June Lavis is joined by local ambassadors Robert (Possum) and Helen Purtle urging the community to get involved in the walk on March 24.
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The Inner Wheel Club of Yarrawonga Mulwala are gearing up for their upcoming ‘Two for Ten’ walk on Sunday, March 24 with well-known locals getting behind the cause.
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Robert “Possum” Purtle and wife Helen have once again jumped at the opportunity to be ambassadors for the event and are urging members of the community to come along and join in the easy two kilometre walk around Chinaman’s Island or to make a donation to the worthwhile cause.
“It is an honour and a pleasure to once again be the Ambassador for our local Inner Wheel Club’s ‘Two for Ten’ walk,” Possum said.
“We should all be very grateful for the efforts of the members of the Inner Wheel Club who work to improve the lives of others, with their focus on friendship and helping the local and wider community.
“Our local club raises funds for the community, presenting cheques every year to local worthy causes, particularly the hospital, aged car, schools, youth organisations and animal welfare, to name a few.
“This walk is proof of that. The money that is raised goes towards research that will help so many people locally and nationally and what could be better than that.”
The two-kilometre walk which begins at the Yacht Club and continues around Chinaman’s Island, is part of the national fundraiser for Stem Cell Research using the richest blood from the umbilical cord to help find ways to cure many diseases.
To take part in the local event, just turn up to the Yacht Club before 11am on the day to register with a donation of $10 and enjoy a leisurely walk with a scenic view and a sausage in bread at the end.
‘Two for Ten walk’ Co-organiser June Lavis said that all plans are currently falling into place and families are most welcome to participate.
“This walk is very friendly for children and pets and it is not too long of a walk so everyone can take part,” June said.
“We will have signage out in easy to see areas for those who want to be involved to find exactly where we will be.
The ladies of Inner Wheel are proud to host the Two for Ten walk which raises money and awareness for cord blood research.
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“We have had some great support so far but would love to see the whole community get behind the event.
“We are very pleased with, and grateful for several local businesses who have come onboard as our major supporters including the Purtle family, Blend Hair Studio, CMCU, ClubMulwala, Yarrawonga Ford and Woolworths Yarrawonga.
“If any further businesses would like to get involved, please get in touch with the Inner Wheel Club.
“This whole event, which is in its fourth year in Yarrawonga, is gaining popularity nationally which is great for the cord blood research and to hopefully assist in eliminating these diseases.
“The more I’m involved in Inner Wheel, the more I’m aware of how the research is evolving and how important causes such as the two for ten walk are to continue the great work of those looking for a cure with the assistance of cord blood.
“They have found that cord blood so far is assisting with the treatment or prevention of several illnesses so if us taking part in a walk can assist in the elimination of illnesses down the track, let’s get involved.
“We hope to see and urge members of the community to come along and support the event.”
Possum also urged the community to get involved in the elimination of a cause which has and will unfortunately touch the lives of many.
“I am urging as many people as possible; families with children and pets to come along on Sunday, March 24 at 11am at Chinaman's Island for the 'Two for Ten' walk to raise funds for national 'Stem Cell Research',” Possum said.
“This important research saves many lives every year, particularly children with leukaemia, auto immune diseases, and cerebral palsy. Already there has been over $3.5 million raised nationally in the last almost quarter of a century.
“Our local Inner Wheel club needs support to help keep this research going.
“Helen, myself and our family realise how important this fundraiser is and are supporting the event in every way we can through sponsorship, donations and taking part in the walk and we urge you to do the same.
“We would love to see everyone in the community get behind this walk, so please come to this lovely area at Chinaman's Island, walk, stay and have a chat and enjoy the free sausage sizzle.
“This is a family event with even your pet welcome to join in. Get behind the Two for Ten walk for cord blood research and help those most in need.”
To learn more about the event or the history regarding cord blood research, go to
For more information, to donate or get involved in sponsoring the Yarrawonga Mulwala event contact Co-Organisers June Lavis on 0438 582 122 or Lesley Shead on 0439 345 701.