Twenty-two players participated on May 15 for Wednesday social bowls. All games were played on the west green and the format was three-bowl pairs, with one rink of three-bowl triples. Winners on the day with two games won and an astonishing shot total of plus-36 shots were Rob Lidgerwood (S), and Les Wilson (L), well played gents!
In second place with two games won and a shot total that would normally see them walk away with the first prize were the team of Mick Szabo (S), and Barb Tennyson (L). Mick and Barb won both their games and had a very creditable shot total of plus-24. In third place with two games won and a healthy shot total of plus 17 shots were the paring of Peter Verlardo (S), and Doug McTier (L).
The Lucky Number winners were Les Wilson, which rounded out a successful day for Les, and Bill Butterworth. The Rolling Jackpot didn’t go off and this week jumps to $140.
Friday Social Bowls
Friday, May 17 saw 40 players front up for Friday social bowls and games were played on both greens. The winners were the regular pairing of Greg Green and Andy Lefevre. The runners up were Mick Szabo and Peter Lidgerwood. The consolation prize went to Gary and Mandy Murnane.
Retiring office bearers
The Annual General Meeting of the YMGCR Bowls Section was held at the club, in the Willow Room, on Monday evening, May 6. Several members who were office bearers for the year 2023/24 retired at the meeting. Many of these members had served for a number of years, and this is an opportunity to publicly recognise their invaluable contribution to YMGCR Bowls while in office. YMGCR Bowls was, and is all the richer for their energy, passion and time given so generously. Without volunteers such as these club life would be all the worse, indeed, we would not have a club at all.
Those retiring from the YMGCR Bowls Committee are Greg Fisher - outgoing president, Gary Presnell - outgoing vice-president, Andy Lefevre - outgoing bowls secretary, Danny McNeill – outgoing men’s match committee chairman. Retiring from ladies match committee - Liliana Borwick. Retiring from the men’s match committee - John Wenzel. Retiring from weekend selection - Greg Green, Andy Lefevre, Rob Hummel and Ian Price. Retiring from midweek selection - Rhonda Irvine, Albert Dodman and Alan Goudge. Thank you all for your contribution. Until next week, good bowling.
Tungamah Bowls
Boosey Creek Classic 1000
Tungamah in their ongoing quest to raise funds to replace the current aged building held this inaugural prestigious $1000 Triples event on May 18.
O’Halloran’s Roller Doors was the sponsor and players from afar contested this event, they had the pleasure and surprise of playing on an excellent grass green and experiencing real Tungamah country hospitality.
Teams that were represented - Monbulk, Kingston SA, Swanpool, Benalla, Tallygaroopna, Tocumwal, Cobram, White Hills, Cohuna, Border Golf, Wangaratta, Yarrawonga and Tungamah
A beautiful sunny day but the wind was icy, players were pleased to go into a lovely warm clubhouse for delicious lunch and refreshments.
Conditions of play were read prior to play commencing, “the two teams finishing on top would play a three-end shoot out to determine the winner.”
At the conclusion of play there were four three-game winners, Kingston SA 18 shots up, Tallygaroopna 27 shots up and the two teams to play off were Border Golf - consisting of Ray Irvine, Greg Green and skip Gary Presnell - who had 44 shots up, and a composite team of female friends - Jan Hermasoo (Wangaratta), Sue Middleton (Yarrawonga) and skip Kerry Ralph (Tungamah) - who had 38 shots up. Gary Presnell’s team were victorious, winning the shootout two shots to one.
Players watched with interest and enjoyed a magnificent afternoon tea and refreshments.
Accolades to volunteers who prepared and organised the day plus catering manager John Hemphill and Tim Stapleton, tournament director for the day. Special thanks to Chris Hemphill, Deb Thomson and Diane Sampson who manned the kitchen.
ClubMulwala Indoor Bowls
Monday, April 22 - Winners on 31 Jeanette Davies, Steve Rodney, Sue Stillard and Joan Wilson. Second on 21 Helen Smith, Joyce Torpy, Lyn Ryan and Geoff Charlwood.
Monday, April 29 - Winners on 30 Judi Cummins, Annie King, Steve Rodney, and Lyn Ryan. Second on 22 Trish Murphy, Lyn Harmer and Joan Wilson.
Thursday, May 2 - Winners on 31 (countback) Trish Murphy, Annie King and Sue Stillard. Second on 31 Helen Smith, Linda Rodney and Joan Wilson. The Magic Eight Lyn Harmer, Steve Rodney and Helen Duncan.
Monday, May 6 - Winners on 30 Helen Smith, Barb Eberle, Lyn Ryan. Second on 21 Judy Cummins, Joyce Torpy, Marg Hill and Joan Wilson.
Thursday, May 9 - Winners on 33 Trish Murphy, Annie King and Geoff Charlwood. Second on 23 Judi Cummins, Marg Hill and Chris Wilson.
Monday, May 13 - Winners on 31 Barb Eberle, Linda Rodney and Geoff Charlwood. Second on 22 Judi Cummins, Jan Stevens and Joan Wilson.